I have a confession. I am not a newsletter writing kind of gal. I had to come to terms with this, as I was not writing many newsletters. Even though “the newsletters” weren’t streaming your way, I always wanted to communicate with you, and thought of you often. I just had to figure out the path that seemed like the best fit for me to reach out and share with you.
So, here’s my new format, I call it “Soul Nutrients” the path where you and I can meet. This approach is much more artful feeling and a lot less corporate and seemingly demanding.
My intention is to share insights with you about, OCD and anxiety, with the hope that sometimes-seeing things from a new vantage point, can raise levels of awareness and provide the bonus of inspiration.
When I see my dog, Rocket, my chest fills with a big inflated valentine heart. I write to you with this same heart. None of us are alone, we are all together, and I am so thrilled to be reaching out to you—and doing my part to contribute to your peace and balance.
Today, I am sharing a Q and A that I did for a magazine article when my book launched. It’s a good place to begin. Click here to read the Q and A.
Wishing you progress and peace of mind. As always, if you wish to communicate with me further, after any of these “Soul Nutrients” my email is kirsten@retroagogo.com.